Lest We Forget
Posted on: Nov 10 2024Reminder, no school Monday, November 11th.
Reminder, no school Monday, November 11th.
School Council is a great way to keep up with what is happening in the school. It is also an opportunity to have a voice in what happens at our school. We meet for an hour once a month. All parents…
Every Monday at our school is Maude Clifford Monday. It's a day to talk about what it means to be a Trailblazer. It's also a day to wear school colors. Black and orange are the main colors with white…
Our annual Trailblazer Halloween Parade is happening this Thursday, October 31. We will assemble in the gym at 12:30 and the parade will begin soon after. Parents are welcome to attend.
The Trailblazers are proud to announce we have transformed our modular hallway into the Maude Clifford Art Museum. The first gallery at the MCAM is titled, "Mysterious Forest Life" which features photographs…
Heading into Thanksgiving weekend, the Trailblazers created a Gratitude Garden. Grades were given pictures of various garden fruits and vegetables to color. Each student adorned their picture with a statement…
Maude Clifford Public School Presents... The October Scholastic Book Fair! Join us in the library! October 22nd and 23rd Students will be able to shop during their regular library blocks. Family and…
The students voted and chose McDonald's to be our first Munch a Lunch of the year. Lunch will be delivered on Thursday, October 17. All orders must be in by October 10th. Ordering and payment is done…
September. What a month! Aside from getting back to school, we had an action packed month. The GPPSD Elementary Fun Run was well-attended by students from across the division. The Trailblazers had a…
The beginning and end of the day are busy times at Maude Clifford. Students are bustling and parents are waiting patiently at various exits for their children. Here are a few considerations to help keep…