School Council Fundraising Events

Each year in December, our school council hosts various fundraising events to pay for the Trailblazer Turkey Dinner. The dinner is a major highlight of our school year that provides an opportunity for our school community to gather together to share a wonderful meal.
School council hosted two fundraising events in January: Pancake Lunch and a Family Dance. Both events were successful thanks in large part to the volunteers. Thanks also go out to everyone who participated in these events. School Council is hoping to host a family movie night in February and a hot dog sale in March.
If you are interested in helping out with any upcoming events, please contact the school and we will connect you with our school council chairperson. You can also check your email for Sign Up Genius invitations that are sent before School Council Events and Munch a Lunch days.
If you would like to be part of the decision making and organization of school events like the family dance, we encourage you to join school council. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month in the school's computer lab from 7 to 8pm. Our next meeting is this Wednesday, February 5. We hope to see you there!