Resources for Parents

There are many useful links for parents to access information on a wide range of topics that they can use to address their child's learning in school.

Alberta Education

Alberta Education Homepage:

Inspiring Education is an educational initiative aimed at addressing the learning needs of the 21st century learner in Alberta.

Alberta Education Current Initiatives:

Alberta Education-Inspiring Education: This link provides an overview of the Inspiring Education conversation:

Alberta Education Parent Resource Page:

High School Graduation Information Homepage

Career Planning Resources:

Alberta Education Publications:

The School Act and Review Information:

Guide to Education- this publication is updated annually and is the “operating manual” for education in Alberta. It contains the regulations that govern education under the School Act/Education Act:

High School Transcripts Information and Ordering:

High School Graduation Requirements and Other Information:

Alberta Safe and Caring Schools Tools and Resources:

Early Childhood Services (ECS):

Provincial Assessments (Student Learner Assessments-SLA's; Provincial Achievement Tests- PAT's and Diploma Examinations)

Diploma Exam Weighting Change: As of September 2015, the weighting of the diploma examination will shift from 50% classroom mark and 50% diploma examination mark to 70% classroom mark and 30% diploma examination mark. Here is a link to FAQ’s on the Diploma Weighting:

Parent Information on Provincial Achievement Exams (PAT’s) and Diploma Exams:

Parent Information on Provincial Achievement Exams (PAT’s) and Diploma Exams (French):

Information on Student Learning Assessments (SLA’s)- these are replacing the PAT’s over the next two to three years. Grade 3 Sla’s will be mandatory this fall, grade 6 SLA’s are scheduled for fall 2016.

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