Traffic on Campus

The beginning and end of the day are busy times at Maude Clifford. Students are bustling and parents are waiting patiently at various exits for their children.
Here are a few considerations to help keep everyone safe:
Parent Vehicles
Please do not park in our traffic loop. If you need to park, please use the visitor parking lot. Be sure to check out our Arrival and Dismissal Map. On the map you'll find labeled entryways and a brief rundown of the parking lots and roadways on campus.
Student Vehicles
Students come to school on all sorts of vehicles like bikes, scooters, and skateboards. Some are human powered but more and more are battery powered. Some of these student vehicles are quite fast. Students are not permitted to ride on sidewalks during busy times to ensure pedestrian safety.
Please use crosswalks if you need to cross the road. Our school uses the AMA School Safety Patrollers program. Most days we have Safety Patrollers and a supervising teacher managing the crosswalk that connects our campus to the Circle K parking lot. On the first day of school, the Grande Prairie Storm sent a couple of players to help out at this crosswalk.
We appreciate your efforts to keep the traffic flowing and helping our students safely navigate our busy roadways. Together, we help keep everyone safe!